
Managing Call Centers in SalesRender

5 minutes

A call center consists of call operators, each supervised by their own supervisor and manager. In SalesRender, you can have multiple call centers, allowing you to flexibly allocate orders between them, compare their effectiveness, and manage various settings.


In this article, we will tell you how to manage call centers in SalesRender and what opportunities you will gain from this module.

Adding Your Call Center

To add a call center, you need to select a supervisor (the manager responsible for this call center) and add all other call operators belonging to this call center.

When adding a call center, you can also:

  • Choose telephony plugins from which incoming calls will be received
  • List phone numbers from which incoming calls can be received
  • Enable autodialing so that when working through the dialer mode, the call is automatically initiated when the operator clicks the "Get Order" button. If autodialing is disabled, the user must manually start the call within the order.
  • Disable order preview so that when working through the dialer mode, the order is not fully displayed when clicking the "Get Order" button, only brief information about the order (order number, status, cart contents, phone number) is displayed.

These points are needed to combat operator procrastination, when they stretch the time between calls or hesitate to take on an order by looking at the order preview (because they remember that the client is problematic or other reasons).


All added call centers are stored in the form of a table. From this table, you can edit the call center or go to its management via a special button.

Managing a Call Center: What Are Teams and Relations?

So, what does managing a call center mean? It means setting up the logic for assigning orders to operators for calling. With call center management functionality, you can configure separate access, for example, for the call center supervisor.

Teams are small groups of operators within your call center. In one call center, operators may work with different orders. For example, there may be a group of operators who are good at calling new orders, while a second group excels at calling orders for pickup. Or these groups of operators work with different products/services, so there is a need to separate them into teams. It's even possible that teams are formed because of some competition within the call center!

Relations - this is the connection that determines which team will call a particular dialer mode. You can set up relations only when teams and dialer modes have been created. Initially, setting up relations is not possible.

When adding a new team, a relations card is automatically created in the "Relations" block, where the team name and its color are pulled up. All you have to do is select the dialer modes that the teams will work with.


Creating and Configuring Dialer Mode

In this section, you can set up your own dialer mode workflow, choose from which order statuses the orders should be assigned to operators, and additionally, you can set various filters for assigning orders. For example, to call orders not from all statuses, but only those with a specific product or a specific country specified. The settings are very flexible, so each company can build its own algorithm for different call centers or teams.


In the "Statuses" block, a list of statuses from which orders will be taken for dialer mode is indicated. To add a status to the dialer mode, we also move them from right to the dialer mode card.


If there are orders in the status at the moment, then there is no problem with this, and such a status can also be added to the dialer mode. In one dialer mode, there can be one or more statuses.

For dialer mode, you can specify not only statuses from which orders will be taken but also set additional filters, for example, to call orders where the full name is specified will be one team, and orders where the full name is empty will be another team.

When adding a filter, you can also select a probability.

Probability adjusts how often orders that fall under the filter will be assigned in the dialer mode. For example, we have created two filters for one dialer mode, and one filter should be assigned more often than the other. Then we set the value for the filters in percentage terms, and in the order flow, orders falling under the more significant filter will be assigned more often.

Handling Incoming Calls

You can configure employees to receive all incoming calls or choose a separate phone number for each employee from which they will receive calls. When an incoming call occurs, an order is automatically created, so in the settings, you need to select the status, project where the order will be created, and where the phone number from which the buyer is calling will be recorded.

This is a very flexible and useful functionality for companies that have their own call centers or use outsourcing. Several outsourced call centers can be added to SalesRender, and supervisors can be given limited access to manage call centers to deal with daily operational call adjustments.

Our support service will help you add call centers and configure dialer mode as flexibly as possible so that every order is called efficiently!

You can explore even more features on our website salesrender.com

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