
Logging in SalesRender

2 minutes

In SalesRender, we pay special attention to data security and have added logs for all possible actions in the CRM system.

What we log

  • We store information about the creation, editing, deletion of anything

  • We log not only actions with orders but also actions with webmasters, plugins, projects, statuses, goals, triggers, etc. In other words, with any entity!

  • You can filter actions by who performed them, whether specific users or roles, plugins, APIs, or triggers. For example, you want to track all actions performed by users in the "Call Operator" role.

  • Logs are presented in the form of "Before-After" tables, where you can apply any filter based on parameters of interest, including by date.

  • You can prohibit certain roles from seeing the names of users who made changes and their IP addresses in the logs.

  • We log from which IP changes were made.

  • Call history is stored separately.

For convenience, next to each element of the CRM system, we have added an icon that allows you to immediately open the log history filtered by this element. For example, you want to see who edited what in the logistics plugin. And you can easily do this with one click.

A Few Screenshots from the Interface

This is the button that opens the change history of any entity.


And this is how the history looks. Note that creation of anything in the history has a green header, while editing has a blue one.


In a separate part of the interface, there is the call history, which stores all the details of calls in the CRM, along with recordings and call costs, as well as error codes for unsuccessful calls.


Additionally on Security

We remind you that in our CRM system, you can hide customer contacts from your call center and allow access to employees only from specific IP addresses. Together with call recording and logging of all actions, this will provide a high level of security for your business.

Our support team will assist you with security settings and provide a demonstration of our CRM features!

You can explore even more features on our website salesrender.com.

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